Provides advanced text display and editing facilities.
The Scintilla class provides advanced text editing capabilities that are suitable for modifying text files of any kind, as well as simple user input features for text input boxes. The code is based on the Scintilla project at and it may be useful to study the official Scintilla documentation for further insight into its capabilities.
The Scintilla class consists of the following fields:
Access | Name | Type | Comment | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AllowTabs | INT | If enabled, use of the tab key produces real tabs and not spaces. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AutoIndent | INT | If TRUE, enables auto-indenting when the user presses the enter key. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BkgdColour | RGB8 | Defines the background colour. Alpha blending is not supported. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CursorCol | INT | The current column of the text cursor. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The CursorCol and CursorRow fields reflect the current row and column of the user's text cursor. The values are updated every time that the cursor is moved. Use EventCallback and listen for the event SEF_CURSOR_POS to receive updates on changes to CursorCol and CursorRow. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CursorColour | RGB8 | Defines the colour of the text cursor. Alpha blending is not supported. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CursorRow | INT | The current row of the text cursor. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The CursorCol and CursorRow fields reflect the current row and column of the user's text cursor. The values are updated every time that the cursor is moved. Use EventCallback and listen for the event SEF_CURSOR_POS to receive updates on changes to CursorCol and CursorRow. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EventCallback | FUNCTION | Provides callbacks for global state changes. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Set this field with a function reference to receive event notifications. It must be set in conjunction with EventFlags so that you can select the type of notifications that will be received. The callback function must be in the format The EventFlag value will indicate the event that occurred. Please see the EventFlags field for a list of supported events and additional details. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EventFlags | SEF | Specifies events that need to be reported from the Scintilla object. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
To receive event notifications, set EventCallback with a function reference and the EventFlags field with a mask that indicates the events that need to be received.
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FileDrop | FUNCTION | A callback for receiving drag and drop file notifications. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Set this field with a reference to a callback function to receive notifications when the user drops a file onto the Scintilla object's surface. The prototype for the callback function is If multiple files are dropped, the callback will be repeatedly called until all of the file paths have been reported. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Flags | SCIF | Optional flags. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Focus | OBJECTID | Defines the object that is monitored for user focus changes. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
By default, the user focus is managed by monitoring the target Surface for changes (for instance, clicking on or away from the surface will result in a focus state change). If another object should be monitored for focus state changes, it can be defined here prior to initialisation. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FoldingMarkers | INT | Folding markers in the left margin will be visible when this value is TRUE. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Font | *Font | Refers to the font that is used for drawing text in the document. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This field refers to the font object that is used for drawing text in the document. It is recommended that all font customisation takes place prior to initialisation of the Scintilla object. Directly altering the font object after initialisation may result in clashes with the Scintilla class that produce unpredictable results. To change the font post-initialisation, please use the SetFont() method. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LeftMargin | INT | The amount of white-space at the left side of the page. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lexer | SCLEX | The lexer for document styling is defined here. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The lexer for document styling is defined here.
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LineCount | INT | The total number of lines in the document. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LineHighlight | RGB8 | The colour to use when highlighting the line that contains the user's cursor. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LineNumbers | INT | Line numbers will appear on the left when this value is TRUE. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Modified | INT | Returns true if the document has been modified and not saved. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Modified field controls the modification state of the document. It is automatically changed to a value of TRUE when the user edits the document. To receive notification of changes to the document state, you should subscribe to the Modified field. It is recommended that you manually set this field to | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Origin | STRING | Similar to the Path field, but does not automatically load content if set. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This field is identical to the Path field, with the exception that it does not update the content of a scintilla object if it is set after initialisation. This may be useful if the origin of the currently loaded content needs to be changed without causing a load operation. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Path | CSTRING | Identifies the location of a text file to load. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
To load data from a text file into a scintilla object, set the Path field. If the Path is set after initialisation, the existing content will be cleared and data loaded from the location that you specify. To change the path without automatically loading from the source file, set the Origin field instead. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RightMargin | INT | Defines the amount of white-space at the right side of the page. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SelectBkgd | RGB8 | Defines the background colour of selected text. Supports alpha blending. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SelectFore | RGB8 | Defines the colour of selected text. Supports alpha blending. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ShowWhitespace | INT | White-space characters will be visible to the user when this field is TRUE. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
String | STRING | Manages the text data as a complete string. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A Scintilla document can be completely updated by setting the String field. Equally, the entire document can be retrieved by getting the String field. Please be aware that retrieving the document in string format can be very inefficient, as the document text is normally stored on a per-line basis. Consider using the GetLine() method as the preferred alternative, as it is much more efficient with memory usage. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Surface | OBJECTID | Refers to the Surface targeted by the Scintilla object. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Symbols | INT | Symbols can be displayed in the left margin when this value is TRUE. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TabWidth | INT | The width of tab stops in the document, measured as fixed-width characters. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TextColour | RGB8 | Defines the default colour of foreground text. Supports alpha blending. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Visible | INT | If TRUE, indicates the Scintilla object is visible in the target Surface. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wordwrap | INT | Enables automatic word wrapping when TRUE. |
The following actions are currently supported:
Clear | Clears all content from the editor. | |||||||||||
Clipboard | Full support for clipboard activity is provided through this action. | |||||||||||
ERR acClipboard(*Object, OBJECTID Clipboard, CLIPMODE Mode)
| ||||||||||||
Disable | Disables the target Surface. | |||||||||||
Draw | Draws the Scintilla object's graphics. | |||||||||||
ERR acDraw(*Object, DOUBLE X, DOUBLE Y, DOUBLE Width, DOUBLE Height)
| ||||||||||||
Enable | Enables the target Surface. | |||||||||||
Focus | Focus on the Scintilla surface. | |||||||||||
Hide | Hides a visible object from the view of the user. | |||||||||||
Redo | Redo the most recently undone activity. | |||||||||||
SaveToObject | Save content as a text stream to another object. | |||||||||||
ERR acSaveToObject(*Object, OBJECTID Dest, CLASSID ClassID)
| ||||||||||||
Show | Makes an object visible to the user. | |||||||||||
Undo | Undo the last user action. |
The following methods are currently supported:
DeleteLine | Deletes a line. | ||||||||||||
ERR sci::DeleteLine(OBJECTPTR Object, LONG Line)
This method will delete a single line at the position indicated by the Line parameter. If no parameters are provided or the Line parameter is less than zero, the line at the current cursor position will be deleted. If the index exceeds the total number of available lines, the last available line will be targeted. | |||||||||||||
GetLine | Copies the text content of any line to a user-supplied buffer. | ||||||||||||
ERR sci::GetLine(OBJECTPTR Object, LONG Line, STRING Buffer, LONG Length)
This method will retrieve the string for a | |||||||||||||
GetPos | Returns the byte position of a given line and column number. | ||||||||||||
ERR sci::GetPos(OBJECTPTR Object, LONG Line, LONG Column, LONG * Pos)
This method converts a | |||||||||||||
GotoLine | Moves the cursor to any line in the document. | ||||||||||||
ERR sci::GotoLine(OBJECTPTR Object, LONG Line)
This method moves the cursor to a given line index. If the index is greater than the total number of available lines, the cursor is moved to the last line in the document. A line index of less than zero is invalid. | |||||||||||||
InsertText | Inserts text into a document. | ||||||||||||
ERR sci::InsertText(OBJECTPTR Object, CSTRING String, LONG Pos)
Use InsertText to insert a string at any point in the document (if adding text to the end of the document, we recommend using data channels instead). You will need to specify the character position at which the provided String should be inserted. Two special character positions are also supported as an alternative - a value of -1 inserts the text at the current cursor position and a value of -2 replaces currently selected text. | |||||||||||||
ReplaceLine | Replaces a line with new text content. | ||||||||||||
ERR sci::ReplaceLine(OBJECTPTR Object, LONG Line, CSTRING String, LONG Length)
This method will replace an entire line with a new text string. If the new string contains line feeds, then multiple lines will be inserted at the target position. It is possible to limit the number of characters inserted from the source string by setting the Length parameter. To insert all characters from the source string, set a Length of -1. | |||||||||||||
ReplaceText | Replaces all text within an entire document or limited range. | ||||||||||||
ERR sci::ReplaceText(OBJECTPTR Object, CSTRING Find, CSTRING Replace, STF Flags, LONG Start, LONG End)
The ReplaceText method will replace all instances of the Find string with the content of the Replace string, between a given Start and End point. The | |||||||||||||
ScrollToPoint | Scrolls text by moving the Page. | ||||||||||||
ERR sci::ScrollToPoint(OBJECTPTR Object, LONG X, LONG Y)
This method will scroll text in the Scintilla document by moving the page position. | |||||||||||||
SelectRange | Selects a range of text, can also deselect all text. | ||||||||||||
ERR sci::SelectRange(OBJECTPTR Object, LONG Start, LONG End)
This method will select an area of text between a start and end point, measured in characters. It can also deselect all text if no arguments are provided. | |||||||||||||
SetFont | Changes the font that is used for text display. | ||||||||||||
ERR sci::SetFont(OBJECTPTR Object, CSTRING Face)
Call SetFont() to change the font face that is used for displaying text. The string format follows the standard for font requests, e.g. If the new face is invalid or fails to load, the current font will remain unchanged. | |||||||||||||
TrimWhitespace | Strips trailing white-space from the document. | ||||||||||||
ERR sci::TrimWhitespace(OBJECTPTR Object) The TrimWhitespace method will remove trailing white-space from every line in the document. Both tabs and spaces are considered white-space - all other characters shall be treated as content. The position of the cursor is reset to the left margin as a result of calling this method. |
Optional flags.
Name | Description |
SCIF::DETECT_LEXER | Automatic lexer detection will occur on initialisation and at any time that a source file is loaded. |
SCIF::DISABLED | Read-only. This flag is set if the Scintilla object has been deactivated with the Disable action. |
SCIF::EDIT | Must be defined if the document is to be editable via user input. |
SCIF::EXT_PAGE | Extends the length of the document by one blank page. This is a visual effect that only has an impact when the user scrolls to the end of the document. |
Scintilla Lexers. These codes originate from the Scintilla library.
Name | Description |
SCLEX::ASP | Active Server Pages |
SCLEX::ASSEMBLER | Assembler |
SCLEX::BASH | Bash |
SCLEX::BATCH | Batch |
SCLEX::CPP | C or C++ |
SCLEX::DIFF | Diff |
SCLEX::FLUID | Fluid |
SCLEX::MAKEFILE | Makefile |
SCLEX::PASCAL | Pascal |
SCLEX::PERL | Perl |
SCLEX::PROPERTIES | Properties |
SCLEX::PYTHON | Python |
SCLEX::REBOL | Rebol |
SCLEX::RUBY | Ruby |
SCLEX::VB | Visual Basic |
Flags for EventCallback and EventFlags
Name | Description |
SEF::CURSOR_POS | The cursor position has changed. |
SEF::FAIL_RO | User attempt to edit read-only content. |
SEF::MODIFIED | The content has changed to a modified state, i.e. the user has made an edit. The modified state will remain until the content is saved. |
SEF::NEW_CHAR | At least one new character has been inserted. |
Scintilla search flags.
Name | Description |
STF::BACKWARDS | Search backwards. |
STF::CASE | Case sensitive search. |
STF::EXPRESSION | Search text is a regular expression. |
STF::MOVE_CURSOR | The cursor is moved to the discovered string. If not set, the string is auto-selected. |
STF::SCAN_SELECTION | Limit search to within the user's current selection. |
STF::WRAP | Wrap search at the end of the document. |