The following table lists all common error codes and their associated message.
Name | Description |
Okay / True | Operation successful. |
False | The result is false. |
LimitedSuccess | Limited success. |
Cancelled | Operation cancelled. |
NothingDone | There is nothing to process. |
Continue | Please continue processing. |
Skip | Skip this operation. |
Retry | Retry the operation (could not succeed at this time). |
DirEmpty | The folder is empty. |
Terminate | Please terminate future calls. |
NoMemory | Not enough memory available. |
NoPointer | Required pointer not present. |
InUse | Resource is in use. |
Failed | General failure. |
File | File error, e.g. file not found. |
InvalidData | There is an error in the provided data. |
Search / NotFound | A search routine in this function failed. |
InitModule | Trouble initialising/using a module. |
FileNotFound / FileDoesNotExist | File not found. |
WrongVersion | Wrong version, or version not supported. |
Args | Invalid arguments passed to function. |
NoData | No data is available for use. |
Read | Error reading data from file. |
Write | Error writing data to file. |
LockFailed / Lock | Failed to lock a required resource. |
ExamineFailed | Could not examine folder or file. |
LostClass | The object has lost its class reference. |
NoAction | The object does not support this operation. |
NoSupport | This request is not supported. |
Memory | General memory error. |
TimeOut | Function timed-out before successful completion. |
NoStats | This object has lost its stats structure. |
LowCapacity | Array is at low capacity. |
Init | Error in Init()ialising an object. |
NoPermission / Permissions / PermissionDenied | General security violation. |
SystemCorrupt | The operating system has been badly corrupted. |
NeedOwner | I need a container to operate correctly. |
OwnerNeedsBitmap | My container needs to have a Bitmap field. |
CoreVersion | I need a newer version of the kernel. |
NeedWidthHeight | The Width and/or Height field values need to be set. |
NegativeSubClassID | The Object ID is negative. |
NegativeClassID | The Class ID is negative |
MissingClassName | You have not given the Class a name. |
OutOfRange | A specified number is outside of the valid range. |
ObtainMethod | A call to ObtainMethod() failed. |
ArrayFull | Array has reached capacity and cannot be expanded. |
Query | Attempt to Query() failed. |
LostOwner | The object has lost its container. |
DoNotExpunge | Please do not expunge me. |
MemoryCorrupt | The memory block is corrupt. |
FieldSearch | I could not find the field that you requested. |
InvalidPath | Invalid file or folder path detected. |
SetField | An unspecific error occurred during a SetField() operation. |
MarkedForDeletion | A resource cannot be accessed as it is marked for deletion. |
IllegalMethodID | Illegal method ID (number outside of valid range). |
IllegalActionID | Illegal action ID (number outside of valid range). |
ModuleOpenFailed | Module failed in its Open routine. |
IllegalActionAttempt | Illegal attempt to execute an action on an object that belongs to another Task. |
EntryMissingHeader | The ModEntry->Header is missing. |
ModuleMissingInit | Module has not defined support for Init(). |
ModuleInitFailed | Module failed its Initialisation routine. |
MemoryDoesNotExist | Memory block does not exist. |
DeadLock | Dead-lock detected - procedure aborted. |
SystemLocked | Part of the system is unreachable due to a persistent lock. |
ModuleMissingName | Module has not declared an official name. |
AddClass | An error occurred while creating a new class. |
Activate | Error while Activate()ing an object. |
DoubleInit | Warning - Attempt to initialise an object twice. |
UndefinedField / FieldNotSet | A required field value is undefined. |
MissingClass | The class could not be found in the system. |
FileReadFlag | The File flag FL_READ was not set on initialisation. |
FileWriteFlag | The File flag FL_WRITE was not set on initialisation. |
Draw | An error occurred while drawing the object. |
NoMethods | The class does not export any methods. |
NoMatchingObject | No matching object was found for the given object ID. |
AccessMemory | Access to a shared memory block was denied. |
MissingPath | The object is missing a setting in the Path or Location field. |
NotLocked | There is no exclusive lock on this object. |
NoSearchResult | The search yielded no results. |
StatementUnsatisfied | The tested statement was not satisfied. |
ObjectCorrupt | The object structure is corrupt or has not been initialised. |
OwnerPassThrough | Container pass through notification. |
UnsupportedOwner | The owner is not supported by this object. |
ExclusiveDenied / AccessObject | An attempt to gain exclusive access to a shared object failed. |
AllocMemory | A call to AllocMemory() failed to create a new memory block. |
NewObject | A call to NewObject() failed to produce a new object. |
GetField | A call to GetField() failed to retrieve a field value. |
NoFieldAccess | Access to a field was denied. |
VirtualVolume | ResolvePath() failed to resolve the path because it is a virtual reference. |
InvalidDimension | A dimension specification is invalid. |
FieldTypeMismatch | Field type mismatch while getting or setting a field. |
UnrecognisedFieldType | A field type ID (e.g. LONG, FLOAT) is not a recognised type of the system. |
BufferOverflow | A buffer overflow has occurred. |
UnsupportedField | The specified field is not supported by the object's class. |
Mismatch | A mis-match has been detected that prevents further processing. |
OutOfBounds | An out-of-bounds error has occurred. |
Seek | An error occurred during a seek operation. |
ReallocMemory | The reallocation of a memory block failed. |
Loop | An infinite loop was detected. |
FileExists | The destination file or folder already exists. |
ResolvePath | A volume could not be resolved. |
CreateObject | A call to CreateObject() failed. |
MemoryInfo | Failed to obtain information on a memory block (MemoryInfo() failed). |
NotInitialised | The object has not been initialised. |
ResourceExists | A new resource could not be created because a matching resource exists. |
Refresh | An attempt to Refresh() an object failed. |
ListChildren | An error occurred in a call to ListChildren(). |
SystemCall | A call to the host system has failed. |
SmallMask | The size of the mask is smaller than the source Bitmap's dimensions. |
EmptyString | A required string value contains no characters. |
ObjectExists | Object exists. |
ExpectedFile | The operation expected a path to a file. |
Resize | Failure during the resize of an object. |
Redimension | Failure during the redimensioning of an object. |
CreateFile | A new file could not be created. |
DeleteFile | Deletion of a folder or file failed (e.g. permissions, read-only media). |
OpenFile | The file could not be opened. |
ReadOnly | A delete or write operation failed due to read-only status. |
DoesNotExist | Resource does not exist. |
IdenticalPaths | The destination path is the same as the source path. |
Exists | Resource exists. |
SanityFailure | A sanity check failed. |
OutOfSpace | Out of space. There is no available room to complete the request. |
GetSurfaceInfo | GetSurfaceInfo() failed. |
Finished / EndOfFile / OutOfData | Operation finished. |
Syntax StringFormat | Invalid syntax detected. |
InvalidState | Object was in an incorrect state for the operation. |
HostNotFound | The internet host name could not be resolved. |
InvalidURI | Invalid Uniform Resource Identifier. |
ConnectionRefused | The remote host refused the connection. |
NetworkUnreachable | The network was unreachable. |
HostUnreachable | No route to host. |
Disconnected | The connection between client and server was terminated. |
TaskStillExists | Task/Process still exists and is running. |
IntegrityViolation / ConstraintViolation | Referential integrity / constraint violation. |
SchemaViolation | Record changes would violate the DB schema. |
DataSize | The size of a data chunk or buffer is incorrect. |
Busy | Operation cannot complete because system is busy with an earlier operation. |
ConnectionAborted | Attempt to connect to server aborted. |
NullArgs | Function call missing argument value(s) |
InvalidObject / WrongObjectType / WrongClass | An object is not of the required type. |
ExecViolation | Execution violation - function must be called from the task that owns the object. |
Recursion | Detected a recursive function call. |
IllegalAddress | Address pointer is outside of the task's memory map. |
UnbalancedXML | The XML tags do not balance. |
WouldBlock | The requested operation would block if it were performed at this time. |
InputOutput | A non-specific I/O error has occurred. |
LoadModule | Failed to load a module binary. |
InvalidHandle | A required handle is invalid. |
Security | A non-specific security violation has occurred. |
InvalidValue | A required value was not within expected constraints. |
ServiceUnavailable | The required service is not available. |
Deactivated | The object must be activated with the Activate action. |
LockRequired | A lock is required before accessing this functionality. |
AlreadyLocked Locked | Object or resource has already been locked. |
CardReaderUnknown | The requested smart card reader was not found in the available list of card readers. |
NoMediaInserted | No media is inserted in the device. |
CardReaderUnavailable | The requested smart card reader is in use. |
ProxySSLTunnel | Failed to establish an SSL connection with the proxy server. |
InvalidHTTPResponse | A valid HTTP response was not received from the server. |
InvalidReference | The reference is invalid. |
Exception | An exception was caught. |
ThreadAlreadyActive | Cannot execute a thread that is already running. |
OpenGL | Failure has been reported from OpenGL. |
OutsideMainThread | An operation has been attempted that is only possible from within the main thread. |
UseSubClass | Requested to use a registered sub-class (not an error). |
WrongType | The expected type was not provided. |
ThreadNotLocked | Thread objects must be locked prior to activation. |
SetVolume | A call to SetVolume() failed. |
Decompression | Unspecified failure during decompression of a data stream. |
Compression | Unspecified failure during compression of a data stream. |
ExpectedFolder | The operation expected a folder path. |
Immutable | This operation would violate the object's immutable status. |
ReadFileToBuffer | A call to ReadFileToBuffer() failed. |
Obsolete | This feature is no longer available (obsolete). |
CreateResource | Failed to create a new resource. |
NotPossible | It is not possible to perform the requested operation. |
ResolveSymbol | Failed to resolve a linked library symbol. |
Function | A function call failed. |
AlreadyDefined | Re-definition is not permitted. |
SetValueNotNumeric | Attempted to set a numeric field with an incompatible value. |
SetValueNotString | Attempted to set a string field with an incompatible value. |
SetValueNotObject | Attempted to set an object field with an incompatible value. |
SetValueNotFunction | Attempted to set a function field with an incompatible value. |
SetValueNotPointer | Attempted to set a pointer field with an incompatible value. |
SetValueNotArray | Attempted to set an array field with an incompatible value. |
SetValueNotLookup | Attempted to set a lookup field with an incompatible value. |