System Error Codes

The following table lists all common error codes and their associated message.

Name Description
Okay / True Operation successful.
False The result is false.
LimitedSuccess Limited success.
Cancelled Operation cancelled.
NothingDone There is nothing to process.
Continue Please continue processing.
Skip Skip this operation.
Retry Retry the operation (could not succeed at this time).
DirEmpty The folder is empty.
Terminate Please terminate future calls.
NoMemory Not enough memory available.
NoPointer Required pointer not present.
InUse Resource is in use.
Failed General failure.
File File error, e.g. file not found.
InvalidData There is an error in the provided data.
Search / NotFound A search routine in this function failed.
InitModule Trouble initialising/using a module.
FileNotFound / FileDoesNotExist File not found.
WrongVersion Wrong version, or version not supported.
Args Invalid arguments passed to function.
NoData No data is available for use.
Read Error reading data from file.
Write Error writing data to file.
LockFailed / Lock Failed to lock a required resource.
ExamineFailed Could not examine folder or file.
LostClass The object has lost its class reference.
NoAction The object does not support this operation.
NoSupport This request is not supported.
Memory General memory error.
TimeOut Function timed-out before successful completion.
NoStats This object has lost its stats structure.
LowCapacity Array is at low capacity.
Init Error in Init()ialising an object.
NoPermission / Permissions / PermissionDenied General security violation.
SystemCorrupt The operating system has been badly corrupted.
NeedOwner I need a container to operate correctly.
OwnerNeedsBitmap My container needs to have a Bitmap field.
CoreVersion I need a newer version of the kernel.
NeedWidthHeight The Width and/or Height field values need to be set.
NegativeSubClassID The Object ID is negative.
NegativeClassID The Class ID is negative
MissingClassName You have not given the Class a name.
OutOfRange A specified number is outside of the valid range.
ObtainMethod A call to ObtainMethod() failed.
ArrayFull Array has reached capacity and cannot be expanded.
Query Attempt to Query() failed.
LostOwner The object has lost its container.
DoNotExpunge Please do not expunge me.
MemoryCorrupt The memory block is corrupt.
FieldSearch I could not find the field that you requested.
InvalidPath Invalid file or folder path detected.
SetField An unspecific error occurred during a SetField() operation.
MarkedForDeletion A resource cannot be accessed as it is marked for deletion.
IllegalMethodID Illegal method ID (number outside of valid range).
IllegalActionID Illegal action ID (number outside of valid range).
ModuleOpenFailed Module failed in its Open routine.
IllegalActionAttempt Illegal attempt to execute an action on an object that belongs to another Task.
EntryMissingHeader The ModEntry->Header is missing.
ModuleMissingInit Module has not defined support for Init().
ModuleInitFailed Module failed its Initialisation routine.
MemoryDoesNotExist Memory block does not exist.
DeadLock Dead-lock detected - procedure aborted.
SystemLocked Part of the system is unreachable due to a persistent lock.
ModuleMissingName Module has not declared an official name.
AddClass An error occurred while creating a new class.
Activate Error while Activate()ing an object.
DoubleInit Warning - Attempt to initialise an object twice.
UndefinedField / FieldNotSet A required field value is undefined.
MissingClass The class could not be found in the system.
FileReadFlag The File flag FL_READ was not set on initialisation.
FileWriteFlag The File flag FL_WRITE was not set on initialisation.
Draw An error occurred while drawing the object.
NoMethods The class does not export any methods.
NoMatchingObject No matching object was found for the given object ID.
AccessMemory Access to a shared memory block was denied.
MissingPath The object is missing a setting in the Path or Location field.
NotLocked There is no exclusive lock on this object.
NoSearchResult The search yielded no results.
StatementUnsatisfied The tested statement was not satisfied.
ObjectCorrupt The object structure is corrupt or has not been initialised.
OwnerPassThrough Container pass through notification.
UnsupportedOwner The owner is not supported by this object.
ExclusiveDenied / AccessObject An attempt to gain exclusive access to a shared object failed.
AllocMemory A call to AllocMemory() failed to create a new memory block.
NewObject A call to NewObject() failed to produce a new object.
GetField A call to GetField() failed to retrieve a field value.
NoFieldAccess Access to a field was denied.
VirtualVolume ResolvePath() failed to resolve the path because it is a virtual reference.
InvalidDimension A dimension specification is invalid.
FieldTypeMismatch Field type mismatch while getting or setting a field.
UnrecognisedFieldType A field type ID (e.g. LONG, FLOAT) is not a recognised type of the system.
BufferOverflow A buffer overflow has occurred.
UnsupportedField The specified field is not supported by the object's class.
Mismatch A mis-match has been detected that prevents further processing.
OutOfBounds An out-of-bounds error has occurred.
Seek An error occurred during a seek operation.
ReallocMemory The reallocation of a memory block failed.
Loop An infinite loop was detected.
FileExists The destination file or folder already exists.
ResolvePath A volume could not be resolved.
CreateObject A call to CreateObject() failed.
MemoryInfo Failed to obtain information on a memory block (MemoryInfo() failed).
NotInitialised The object has not been initialised.
ResourceExists A new resource could not be created because a matching resource exists.
Refresh An attempt to Refresh() an object failed.
ListChildren An error occurred in a call to ListChildren().
SystemCall A call to the host system has failed.
SmallMask The size of the mask is smaller than the source Bitmap's dimensions.
EmptyString A required string value contains no characters.
ObjectExists Object exists.
ExpectedFile The operation expected a path to a file.
Resize Failure during the resize of an object.
Redimension Failure during the redimensioning of an object.
CreateFile A new file could not be created.
DeleteFile Deletion of a folder or file failed (e.g. permissions, read-only media).
OpenFile The file could not be opened.
ReadOnly A delete or write operation failed due to read-only status.
DoesNotExist Resource does not exist.
IdenticalPaths The destination path is the same as the source path.
Exists Resource exists.
SanityFailure A sanity check failed.
OutOfSpace Out of space. There is no available room to complete the request.
GetSurfaceInfo GetSurfaceInfo() failed.
Finished / EndOfFile / OutOfData Operation finished.
Syntax StringFormat Invalid syntax detected.
InvalidState Object was in an incorrect state for the operation.
HostNotFound The internet host name could not be resolved.
InvalidURI Invalid Uniform Resource Identifier.
ConnectionRefused The remote host refused the connection.
NetworkUnreachable The network was unreachable.
HostUnreachable No route to host.
Disconnected The connection between client and server was terminated.
TaskStillExists Task/Process still exists and is running.
IntegrityViolation / ConstraintViolation Referential integrity / constraint violation.
SchemaViolation Record changes would violate the DB schema.
DataSize The size of a data chunk or buffer is incorrect.
Busy Operation cannot complete because system is busy with an earlier operation.
ConnectionAborted Attempt to connect to server aborted.
NullArgs Function call missing argument value(s)
InvalidObject / WrongObjectType / WrongClass An object is not of the required type.
ExecViolation Execution violation - function must be called from the task that owns the object.
Recursion Detected a recursive function call.
IllegalAddress Address pointer is outside of the task's memory map.
UnbalancedXML The XML tags do not balance.
WouldBlock The requested operation would block if it were performed at this time.
InputOutput A non-specific I/O error has occurred.
LoadModule Failed to load a module binary.
InvalidHandle A required handle is invalid.
Security A non-specific security violation has occurred.
InvalidValue A required value was not within expected constraints.
ServiceUnavailable The required service is not available.
Deactivated The object must be activated with the Activate action.
LockRequired A lock is required before accessing this functionality.
AlreadyLocked Locked Object or resource has already been locked.
CardReaderUnknown The requested smart card reader was not found in the available list of card readers.
NoMediaInserted No media is inserted in the device.
CardReaderUnavailable The requested smart card reader is in use.
ProxySSLTunnel Failed to establish an SSL connection with the proxy server.
InvalidHTTPResponse A valid HTTP response was not received from the server.
InvalidReference The reference is invalid.
Exception An exception was caught.
ThreadAlreadyActive Cannot execute a thread that is already running.
OpenGL Failure has been reported from OpenGL.
OutsideMainThread An operation has been attempted that is only possible from within the main thread.
UseSubClass Requested to use a registered sub-class (not an error).
WrongType The expected type was not provided.
ThreadNotLocked Thread objects must be locked prior to activation.
SetVolume A call to SetVolume() failed.
Decompression Unspecified failure during decompression of a data stream.
Compression Unspecified failure during compression of a data stream.
ExpectedFolder The operation expected a folder path.
Immutable This operation would violate the object's immutable status.
ReadFileToBuffer A call to ReadFileToBuffer() failed.
Obsolete This feature is no longer available (obsolete).
CreateResource Failed to create a new resource.
NotPossible It is not possible to perform the requested operation.
ResolveSymbol Failed to resolve a linked library symbol.
Function A function call failed.
AlreadyDefined Re-definition is not permitted.
SetValueNotNumeric Attempted to set a numeric field with an incompatible value.
SetValueNotString Attempted to set a string field with an incompatible value.
SetValueNotObject Attempted to set an object field with an incompatible value.
SetValueNotFunction Attempted to set a function field with an incompatible value.
SetValueNotPointer Attempted to set a pointer field with an incompatible value.
SetValueNotArray Attempted to set an array field with an incompatible value.
SetValueNotLookup Attempted to set a lookup field with an incompatible value.